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Values ​​for a Society in Crisis.


We have learned to live a life of anti-values.
We stopped acting truthfully, we learned as a society to walk in the dark.

This is a book that seeks to guide the reader in the simplest and most transparent way to recover lost values ​​as a society.

Inclusion and tolerance are values ​​that are acquired, not imposed, learned, never forced.

Freedom, respect and truth remain the main rights of humanity. Core values ​​of our society.

Between Sayings And Values.


Do not look for people with the same tastes, look for people with your same values.

Between Sayings And Values, a book that will sow truth, love and balance in your heart.


True Values ​​Are Values ​​That Endure


“Plans fail for lack of advice, but they succeed when there are many advisers.

Man is happy when he knows how to respond; And how good is a timely response!

For the connoisseur, life is an upward path that keeps him from falling into the grave. "


True values ​​mark the hearts of human beings enduringly.


Today I Will Cut A Rose.


Today I will cut a rose is a work that seeks to touch the lives of many and motivate readers to search their hearts for the endearing life and joy that love, friendship and the ability to be happy produce, with the happiness that only God can toast.

Like an oasis in the middle of the desert, the poems in this book seek to refresh the soul of each reader and quench the thirst of the thirsty.


As always, I hug you fondly.


This book puts in your hands words that give silhouette to a soul that has walked and loves life.


Today he joyfully gives us a piece of his heart through words that express the struggle of his inner being, the longing for peace or the joy for the day he lived.


He shares with us the hope of knowing that when night comes and rest comes, God is in control of his life and can embrace those he loves with affection.



Principles of Life and Development.


This manual is a powerful life tool, provides great experiences and shares great useful moments for the daily journey to live.

Very useful as personal study, family directed study and of course participation in courses and seminars with very complete and practical topics of daily life.

This manual is a warning sign, far from being a motivating guide, rather, a banner that seeks to guide us to a better and convenient state of our life.
A state of fullness.

An uncertain look.


I have loved as much as I could, tasted so many flavors and enjoyed so many aromas, I walk without haste, I enjoy everything, I always give my best, without worries or requests. I have a lot to be thankful for and this book is a way of giving something in exchange for so much happiness. Love that follows me despite everything.



"El silencio".mp3Aarón Dávila
00:00 / 03:29
"Los caminos de la vida".mp3Aarón Dávila
00:00 / 04:05
"El bien prevalecerá".mp3Aarón Dávila
00:00 / 03:47

Podcast, "Principles of life and development"

Sharing different topics in relation to the theme of values, listen to it and help me share it. Every Tuesday and Friday you can listen to new songs and interviews.


"Principles of life and development"


Listen to it on Spotify, Pocket Casts, Anchor and RSS.


Principios de vida y desarrollo (1).png

H aciendo use of all possible elements within our reach, we provide ideas and ethical and moral resources to recover primary and social values, family members have thrown into the drawer of disuse.

We forge values ​​and provide teaching to defend and live them every day.


Editorial columnist for :


We participated in the news program "Al Instante" with the journalist Guillermo Garduño with the section "Entre Dichos Y Valores"

Every Monday at 7:00 am from Toluca, Mexico.


We transmit the program of the Institute of Values ​​and Culture by:

TV from Ensenada. BC Every Thursday at 7:00 am


Author of all the books, columns and topics of each program.

Aaron Dávila Payán

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